Is He simply a sentimental Reason for the Season? Is he a good prophet who showed us how to live, but who had Judas die in his place? Is he the spirit brother of Satan? Or is He the eternal, Son of God, who died on the cross and rose again for our redemption?
Each of these views are held by various groups: Mormon, Islam, Christianity and the world in general today. In our Live Life by the Book Class, we are going to take the next three weeks to look at Jesus. Ultimately He is the one who makes the difference between all the religions and as we look forward to His birth, we’ll study in detail His uniqueness and the Biblical and Historical foundation for it.
Last week we set the foundation for our study by looking at “What is Truth?” and this week we’ll begin looking in more detail at the acronym “DOCTRINE,” which covers the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. In this, the first letter, “D” stands for the deity of Christ. This is foundational to everything else and does work out well as a study for the weeks before Christmas.
Join us, Sunday, Dec. 4th as we start this exciting series.