Hosea is the prophet of compassion. He prophesied to Israel shortly after Amos, but unlike Amos who preached a message of condemnation and judgment for a short time, Hosea preached a message that not only challenged people to repent from their sins, but one filled with God’s love and compassion for over 50 years–until the time Israel was conquered.
Not only did Hosea preach about God’s love, he lived it. God told him to marry a woman who would be unfaithful to him. He married Gomer and she was unfaithful–but that did not change his love, just as Israel’s unfaithfulness did not change God’s love.
Gomer left her husband and her life deteriorated to the where she was to be sold as a slave. God told Hosea what was happening and he went to the slave market, bought her and brought her home.
Israel and all of us–we are like Gomer–going our own way from the God who loves us. But like Hosea, God purchased us when we were worthless–loved us and brings us home to be with Him forever.